La conferenza annuale della comunicazione pubblica europea, torna il 29 giugno nell’edizione virtuale 2020 con una serie di 3 webinar. Si tratta del più grande appuntamento per gli esperti di comunicazione pubblica in Europa.
Data: 29/06/2020 - 09:00
Il programma prevede 3 sessioni online.
1. Stories from regions and cities: staying positive (09:00-10:00)
Moderator: María Andrés, Head of the EP Office for Spain
- Massimo Gaudina, Head of EC Representation in Milan, Italy
- Andrea Horvat-Kramaric, Head of Section Communication and Spokesperson - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
- Ana Ferreira, Head of Cabinet of the Mayor of Braga, Portugal
- Kati Vähäsarja (tbc), 'Good Mood Kiosk' project manager, City of Kuopio, Finland
- Massimo Gaudina, Head of EC Representation in Milan, Italy
- Andrea Horvat-Kramaric, Head of Section Communication and Spokesperson - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
- Ana Ferreira, Head of Cabinet of the Mayor of Braga, Portugal
- Kati Vähäsarja (tbc), 'Good Mood Kiosk' project manager, City of Kuopio, Finland
2. Disinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic (10:15-11:15)
Moderator: Janis Sarts, Director of the NATO StratCom C
- Delphine Colard, Head of EP Spokesperson's unit (coordinating EP administration's work against
- Simon Kreye, Head – Steering Group Strategic Communication, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
- Raimonda Miglinaite, EEAS, Information and Communication Officer
3. Communication post COVID-19: what is the 'next normal'? (11:30-12:30)
Moderator: TBC
- Stijn Pieters, co-founder and managing partner of PM • Risk Crisis Change